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What Is Metaverse & How Does It Work? [2022]

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Want to talk about the future? Metaverse is undeniably the trending topic of the future. The origin of the term metaverse dates back to 1992. The virtual platform second life is often referred to as the first metaverse. All the Tech and Non-Tech based companies can be seen adapting to the game-changing Innovation. Let’s see in general what Metaverse got to offer.

What is Metaverse?

The metaverse is simply a virtual world of augmented reality that uses the physical and digital worlds in a merged manner. The components of the metaverse are seen in online video games, augmented reality, virtual worlds, etc. It is not only the tech giants like meta and Microsoft that are building an infrastructure to the world of the metaverse, but you can very well see large companies like Roblox, Nvidia along with smaller companies that are trying to fix themselves in the field of the metaverse. This new development will undoubtedly influence the lives of human beings creating a world of possibilities in virtual reality.

The seven layers of the metaverse include infrastructure, human interface, decentralization, spatial computing, creator economy, discovery, and experience. Let us discuss the layers in detail to get the essence of the metaverse. The infrastructure layer is nothing but the technology that would be used. MEMS, Wi-Fi, 6G, AI, Blockchain, etc are used to power up the metaverse.

The human interface layer includes smartphones, VR glasses, or any other wearables that give the perception of virtual reality. The decentralization layer represents edge computing, Blockchain, AI agents, and microservices. The next layer gives a high level of authenticity that let the users control and experience the virtual world.

The creator economy layer is the tools and assets that would be used by creators. Moving on to the next layer, the discovery layer describes how the customers find the metaverse or the platforms that are used to discover the metaverse like search engines, app stores, ads, etc. The last layer is the front-end experience layer.


Metaverse Avatar

The most overlooked part of the Metaverse is the metaverse Avatar. In simple terms, it is the identity of each individual that one can embody when the metaverse rolls. Each individual can represent himself as he/ she wants to portray. Different companies have found enormous ways of manifesting their avatar. Some use a head and a torso in a simple form, whereas others opt for real-life representation. The even more interesting part is that feelings and emotions are also supported here. Furthermore, the different types of avatars include 2D Avatars, 3D Avatars, VR Avatars, Leg-less Avatars, and Full body Avatars. You can expect more addition to these in the coming days.


Significance of Metaverse

This technology of the future of tomorrow could totally change the way we interact with each other in the virtual world. The word Metaverse gained the best popularity during the pandemic days when human interaction with each other was completely limited to digital technology. Use cases or applications can be widely seen in advanced blockchain use cases, virtual work and learning spaces, virtual businesses, medical systems, and enhanced social media experiences.

As the metaverse expands, you can see the market trends moving towards blockchain& cryptography, 3-D reconstruction, AI, Augmented reality & Virtual reality. This means it could bring more career opportunities in the above fields.

Metaverse in Dubai

The first-ever metaverse assembly in UAE was held at the museum of the future on September 28, 2022. The assembly was launched by Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown prince of Dubai, and welcomed over 500 global experts and  40 organizations to discuss, explore and shape the future of the metaverse in Dubai. The event unveiled the Dubai Metaverse Strategy that would convert the country into the best metaverse economy & hub in the next 10 years. Hence attracting foreign companies and investments to the country could boost the economy and generate more jobs by 2030. Being led by futuristic leaders, UAE can be soon expected to be on top of the metaverse world.

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